***Chapter Twenty-Four***
August 1978

This tradition had started with just the three of them: Hermione, Severus, and Thomas.

He never dreamt they'd still be doing it over fifty years later. That he'd still be here, teaching when his younger self became a student.

Here they were, though, now a group of close to seven dozen spread out in front of the Black Lake.

Siblings talked.

Grandchildren talked and played.

Great grandchildren played.

The youngest of the grandchildren was too little to do much of anything but watch and maybe smile. Hermione was content holding her grandson, Willem's youngest son, for now. It was weird to think of Willem still having children. Severus had no doubt that she'd get to her youngest great grandsons, too, but they weren't only a month old - and weren't (likely) her last grandchild - so he knew that she was cherishing Stephen an extra little bit. He'd take his turn when she was done, because he could admit to feeling … something that that generation was done with the wizard.

Fourteen grandchildren had completed their Hogwarts' education. Ten more were currently attending Hogwarts. One of those ten was going to begin his seventh year. Graham's youngest would start next fall. A great grandchild would be starting in five years.

It was really quite heady to think about. As a child, he'd never realized that he might be missing out on something. He certainly hadn't dreamt he'd be … accepting of so many others occupying his space. Not just accepting either, but enjoying it.

Certainly, he enjoyed his solitude and his moments that it was just him and his wife. These days, though, he was pretty sure were something worthy of casting a patronus with the memories of.

"Ah, there you all are. It wouldn't be the Saturday before school begins without the Prins family taking in the Lake."

"Hi Uncle Albus," all of the children called out, even the older ones like Thomas and Charlotte still called him that. Severus and Hermione had both talked over the years about the fact that Albus and the other professors had stepped in to be their childrens' surrogate aunts and uncles.

Without question.

Albus knew why there was no family, but no one else did. They never really asked questions either. They just endeavoured to fill a void where they could. It was … nice, as it made their children still feel as if they were a part of a family. Something bigger than just their household.

They, too, hoped it made Thomas and the Harrisons realize that family wasn't just about blood.

Thomas was no less theirs than Charlotte, Philip, Graham, and Willem were. The Harrisons were cared for really no differently than the Prins children. And they showed up for these Saturdays, too. They never adopted them, but each of the boys knew they would have if they'd wanted them to. Neither Severus nor Hermione took offense to the fact that they did not choose to go that route. Those children knew that Hermione and Severus would always welcome them adopted or not. Their children called them Grandma and Grandpa, too.

He knew his wife felt the same way.

The ten who were currently Hogwarts students were gathered together at the moment, comparing notes of their experiences (or what to expect) no doubt. Seven of them were boys. David, the one who had to wait a year yet, was eyeing them enviously. He was ready to start his education but not able to yet because he'd been born in September. So he was feeling a bit … sour today.

One thing was certain. There was no doubt there would be Prinses and Harrisons for many years to come.

He had done this.

Albus seemed to be thinking something similar because he shook his head ever so slightly as he looked out over their group. It had to be a bit shocking for him, too, knowing how this all started.

"When does the next Prins girl start?" Albus asked. Logical question that, as there were far fewer girls than boys. Only six of their seventeen grandchildren were girls. Even the Harrisons seemed to produce mostly boys as only one of the twelve grandchildren by them was a girl.

"Anne Marie in five years," Severus said, pointing to Willem's middle child. "She will be there with our oldest great grandchild, Lawrence. Cole and Jackson's boys will start that year, too."

"Well, as you all have known for years now, but I'll continue to say it. I expect …"

"Great things from us," all the older kids said.

"Exactly that."

"Are you going to join us at the Three Broomsticks, Albus?" Hermione asked.

"I could be convinced today, I think," he said. "I believe a few professors are already headed that way, in fact, to let Rosmerta know to expect your clan. As it is Minerva, Pomona, Poppy, and Rolanda I assume we'll be good."

Rosemerta knew to expect them by now so it was a formality anyone went ahead of them.


"Uncle Thomas," Charlotte's youngest said. Howard would be a sixth year this coming school year.

"Yes, Howard."

"Did Grandma and Grandpa really sit here with you when you were a baby?"

"Well, I don't remember it, but that's the story that I was told by just about every professor who's had me. And even some who haven't! A lot of students who were ahead of me have as well. They like to remind me of it, too, when they see me around the Ministry," he said with a wink.

"Me, too," several of the other children said.

"Cool," Howard said.

The Behrens', Charlotte's husband's family, were not nearly as close as theirs was. Family dinners and such were very seldom a conflict with their daughters in-laws. Severus knew that Hermione wouldn't say she was upset about that at all.

Philip's youngest, Camille, had competed in a horseback riding event just the other week. Hermione found their granddaughter's interest in riding humorous because Philip never had quite taken to it. He wasn't awful, but he seemed to have the same reaction to horseback riding as his mum did to flying on a broom.

That was to say in a dire emergency, if it was get out of a situation on horseback (or in the case of his wife, a broom) or perish, he'd choose the horse.

Hermione and Severus were quite certain those putting it on hadn't accounted for the entirety of Camille's family to show up. And it being a muggle event at that. (Camille had placed second and had been incredibly proud.)

Camille was a natural on a horse, which was amusing because her mum Lisa had fretted over Hermione and Philip putting her on one to begin with. And here she was not quite four and a half and competing. Not just competing but placing.

Lisa was interesting that way. A nice woman who seemed to accept the magical world, but Hermione and Severus seemed to intimidate her. She was also American, having met Philip while she was studying abroad. The night they'd seen The Beatles play back in 1962, Severus had stopped to get their autograph for Philip. None of their other kids would care about The Beatles, but as their son was a songwriter aiming to sell them a song his father thought he'd get a kick out of their autograph.

Hermione and Severus had sniggered when they'd overheard Lisa comment about his parents being too old to be going to bars to see a band consisting of members barely out of their teenage years.

The autograph was framed in his home office to this day. (He had sold a couple of his songs to them, too.) As far as Severus and Hermione knew, Philip had never told any of them it was his father they'd signed an autograph for. They signed so many they wouldn't have remembered it anyway.

Eventually, the group of them made their way to the Three Broomsticks, Hermione relinquishing her hold on Stephen to Sylvia. It was weird to know that this woman would gain a cousin in the next two years and that cousin would potentially become his wife's friend. Well, a younger Hermione's friend anyway.

They'd already seen the differences in several people in addition to Thomas. Severus met her gaze with a nod, seeming to know her thoughts were in line with his at the moment.

Would Neville be that shy, uncertain boy whose Grandma basically terrorized? Or with the support of his parents would he be more confident and sure of himself from the get-go?

They'd find out in thirteen years he supposed.

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