Little Art is loved and missed by
his Great Grandmother Florence, Great
Grandmother Cecile, Grandparents, father Tim, mother
Susan, sister Stephanie and brother Jonathan.

I'll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant
with Arthur. It was June 26, 1998. I had taken my
daughter and step-son to see Gone With the Wind at the
theatres and on the way home stopped to buy a home
pregnancy test. Needless to say, it was positive.
The pregnancy went fine until about the last six weeks
when I was placed on bed rest due to high blood
pressure. Arthur was due March 2 but did not join us
until March 10, 1999 at 2:08 p.m.
There were some difficulties after he was born. He
did not make a sound at first, unlike my daughter who
let the entire hospital know she was there. He had to
be catheterized and he was slightly jaundiced, but
otherwise he has healthy and went home on schedule.
Arthur's pediatrician warned me to be prepared for
Arthur to do everything early and to do it fast
because of the older siblings and our dog. He was
crawling by five months, walking by eight months.
I was able to find a job working from home, so I was
able to spend every day of Arthur's 15 months on earth
with him and I'm forever grateful for that. He had
the most beautiful big blue eyes, I don't know that
I'll ever get those baby blues out of my mind - and I
hope I never do.
On Sunday, June 4, 2000, at about 9:30 a.m. Arthur
managed to get out to our pool in the backyard. To
this day I don't know how it happened, but it did.
Doctors were never able to resuscitate him and he was
declared dead just after 10:00 a.m. that morning.
A legal battle began the day of his death, starting
with the state of Florida taking my daughter away from
me and two days later charging me with aggravated
assault. I was able to get custody of my daughter in
the beginning of December and finally on December 23,
2000, two days before Christmas, my attorney phoned to
tell me that the charges against me had been dropped.
I was still unable to breathe, however, because I
still had six months of the state's involvement with
my daughter. Finally, in May 2001 all of the legal
matters surrounding Arthur's death were closed when
the state closed the file on my daughter.
It's been three years since Arthur died and I feel
that just now I'm starting to feel again, and with
feeling again comes remembering and grieving. My
grandpa, who Arthur was named for, never got to meet
my son. He joined him in heaven in February 2001 and
I know Grandpa is with him now keeping him warm, safe
and cared for along with my mother until I can join

Please take a moment and sign Arthur's guestbook ~Thank You~

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