This page last updated May 1, 2008. All bad links were deleted.

Thanks to Netflix and the DVD/VCR combo unit my husband gave me for Christmas in 2005 I've been on a DVD watching binge. Below I'll list the movies or TV series I've watched and my rating. If you haven't joined Netflix but have considered it, I highly recommend the service. DVDs are delivered to your door in a returnable postage paid envelope. And if Fargo has a shipping facility I'm sure most other towns around do, too. Most of the time the turn around for me to return a DVD and get the next one in my queue is 3 days, usually 2.
For a list of the DVDs I own, visit here.

My Personalized Netflix Feeds
Queue Most Recent Rental Activity Movies At Home Recommendations

2006 rentals 2007 rentals 2008 rentals

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